See my sister's mission blog here!

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Work is Moving On!

Hey guys! Here's the new letter for the week!
I am still working on all the pictures, and I think I'm making some head-way, so we'll See if I can get them together pretty soon here!

Dear Family!!!!
Every week here is so awesome!! and time just seems to fly by!!! it was only yesterday that june started and now its basically over!!!!!! i am loving it out here!!! i wish you could all come and see how amazing it is here. the people, the culture, the heat, hahaha everything!!!! its all incredible!!!
Tuesday we woke up early because we were having zone conference. we traveled from tarkwa to takoradi about 2 hours and then takoradi to sekondi about 15 minutes. we had an awesome zone conference. Sister Shulz called up everyone who has had a birthday in the last 3 months and gave us all a present!! it was sweet because i got something and i wasnt even here on my birthday!! hahaha then we had instruction for 3 hours. all of it was based on being obedient to the rules and making sacrifices!!! hahaha i just remembered that i emailed you guys last week after zone conference so ill just move on hahaha
Wednesday we were back in our area and back to work. we have been teaching a lot of great people and i love them so much!!! the old woman, sister paulina, She is so amazing!!! whenever we come she either makes us food or buys us ice cream and she is so powerful in our lessons!! she is going to be baptized this sunday!!! i cant wait!!!!! wednesday night we had mid week and our branch president brought a movie with him for us to watch. Its called "Our Testimony" its about the history of the church in Ghana and it is awesome!!!!!! Dad if you can get your hands on a copy you should!! it really is incredible!!! it was nice because it fired everyone up that was there about helping us with missionary work.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday were all awesome too!!!! good hard working and teaching days!! i am getting better at the language but im still really far from being good at it. i have gained a great love for the scriptures and for studying!! when we do personal study i start reading and studying different things and it feels like 2 seconds and its over!! but in reality i study for an hour!!! i wish i could do more!! haha being out here on mission is so incredible!!! i wish i could just bring you out here for a day and show you what its all like!! you wouldnt believe it!
Sunday was great!!! church went awesome!! we had a bunch of investigators come, including these guys that weve been teaching for a super long time!! they have never come since i got here. i promised them if they came i would make them pancakes hahaha. so today that is what i did and they loved them. after church we went to a members house and they fed us lunch and we had a good time. we then went and met with a few other members and had lessons with them because they had some questions for us.
Today was nice we got everything done that we wanted to and i even got my first ghanaian haircut!!! its awesome!! so thats the week!!!! i hope you all are doing great and being safe!!!! i love you!!!!
Love, Elder McGuire

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